How to adapt your business to survive this crisis & expand in the future

18 March

8pm GMT

We'll meet
on Zoom

It is a true time of crisis for most self-employed people in any industry. Appointments, classes, workshops cancelled and the possibility of your livelihood being gone over night, with little or no support from the government. We have no choice, but to adapt and change the way we operate and conduct our businesses.

I have been working with business for nearly 10 years to do exactly that. Bring them online and create businesses that can survive a crisis like we are in today. 

It's time for me to be of service and help all of you in crisis with the knowledge I have to help all of you. 

In this hour together I'll cover:

Tips on how to bring your business online
How to come up with new income streams fast
How to start reaching people right now

I will also do a 'Hot Seat' Coaching where I take one of the people attending the call and coach them through their own business/challenge for them to be able to go off and implement.

This will be a fairly informal session where I will share my knowledge and be of service to all of you.
The Session will happen in Zoom. Just fill out the form below and I will send you the link

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