Releasing Anger & Rage

Sacred Rage Ritual

Anger and rage are emotions not accepted or easily understood in society especially for women

Women have been conditioned for millennia to be the good girl, the compliant soft being that doesn't talk back or stand up for themselves.

But deep within us sits millennia of deep rage. Any woman has at some point or other felt that deep rooted rage that bubbles up to the surface. That deep guttural and primal feeling of rage of all the years of oppression, misogyny, discrimination, and sexual assault.

Ladies, I know you know what I am talking about.

People, men and women equally, are afraid of that rage. Because it can move mountains, be the root for long-lasting change and heal generational wounds and holds immense wisdom. 

What if you learned to harness all that power and transform it into the wisdom it holds?

The problem is that we are not taught how to work with anger and rage. Let alone harness its power and wisdom. Because that's what is underneath it.

Raw power and wisdom that can ignite change.

If it's channeled in a healthy way. Expressed not by lashing out but in a targeted and safe way. In a safe space so the emotions underneath it can come out. Releasing what's underneath it so we can heal, transform and transmute it. From this lifetime and others. From ourselves and our ancestors. Transmute it to mine the golden nuggets waiting on the other side.

This work transmutes space and time. 

On a practical level there are many ways to do this. Punching pillows, scream in the forest or mountains, smack sticks in the forest or one of the probably most societally accepted ways is boxing.

But real transformation happens when it's done in sacred space, held by facilitators holding space for all that comes up, including the shame and guilt that often accompanies this work,  so you can transform it. 

It's time to release ALL of it. 

I get it...

I've been there. When I started doing this work, I've felt so much guilt, shame and quite frankly frightened myself with how much rage I was capable of feeling.
I was so conditioned to stuff all those feelings down. To the point where it made me physically sick including gut and immune system issues to the point I couldn't live a normal life. 

It took a lot of time and guidance from my mentors to find my way with rage work. To find what works for me, but also to feel safe enough to truly express it without feeling self conscious or letting my mind, guilt and shame censor me.

No holding back. 

The result?

It has changed my life and healed me in ways I could have never imagined.  Not only have I pretty much healed my health issues but I've also transformed myself and my relationships in the process. 

It's vital work to claim back your power and transform your life. 



That's where I come in.

Hi, my name is Tine. Nice to meet you

I’m here to help you unlock your magic and create a life on your terms. Unapologetically.

A life that sets your soul on fire and where you pinch yourself daily to think 'this is actually my life'

How do we do this? 

Glad you ask. 

By doing the work. By looking at our shadows, conditioning and patterns and transform and transmute them. 

To heal and free us from what's holding us back. From this lifetime and past lifetimes. From our own things and things we inherited from our ancestors. 

I use all my tools in my toolbelt to help you on this journey. My years of experience in my own healing journey, my intuitive & psychic gifts, somatic tools to regulate the nervous system and remove any underlying trauma and beliefs that are holding you back as well as Ho'oponopono and ancient Hawaiian Healing techniques to Celtic Wisdom and healing.

I promise you that creating a life and business you want is absolutely possible and it doesn't have to look like anything you've seen before. Because it's unique to you.

How it works

In this Sacred Rage Ritual we will open space to call in all of the support needed. 
We will work on accessing your anger and rage and find the tools that work for you. 

We will release and transmute it to get to the root of what's underneath to hold and heal those parts of you

We will integrate and claim back your power. 

We can do this either online or in person.


The only requirement for online work is that you find a time and space with no distractions to allow whatever needs to come through come through. 

In person work will be done in nature in Ireland where the land can hold and support us. 

Please note that currently this offering is only available for anyone identifying as female.


Here's an overview of what you'll get.

  • 1 x Sacred Rage Ritual (Between 90-120 min)
  • 1 x Integration Call
  • Voice Message Support between Ritual and Integration Call

You will receive an email from me with options for times after payment.

Book a free 20 minute Discovery call with me

Jump on a call with me to 

Thank You