Are you ready to ditch the overwhelm?

Ready to create a business working for YOU?

Life as a Neurodivergent Entrepreneur can be hard since you wear what feels like a million hats.

CEO, Marketing Manager, Sales Person and Admin staff rolled all in one.  

You probably have a nice plan for your business all tucked away in a folder. Executing it, however, is a whole different story. Maybe you even feel completely paralysed and doom scroll instead

Knowing what to focus on when, creating consistent workflows and meeting deadlines (that you set yourself btw) can feel impossible.  Don't get me started on the balance between hyperfixation and constant distraction or the sensory overload when you have to do things that are required for Entrepreneurs such as networking. (The horror!)

Sound familiar?

The world, especially the business world as we were taught growing up, isn't designed to suit us. The fast pace, the hustle culture, the high demand to be visible, the demand to 'always be on and available'.  It doesn't suit our nature of needing space, time, quiet and fear of judgment and rejection sensitivity.

What if you're here to create a new way of business and being in the world?

What if you're here to create never before seen ways of doing business that only YOU can create? Thanks to your endless curiosity of things and amazing creative and outside-the-box thinking and innovation skills? Your ability to recognise patterns others don't see and your innovative problem solving and communication skills? You probably value honesty and integrity above all else which is something the world (especially the business world) can definitely use more of.

What if I told you there is a way to thrive as a Neurodivergent Entrepreneur?

To have clients that energise you, not drain you. To find systems and workflows that work FOR you and keep you consistent even when you're having days you can't get stuff done? To create work environments you feel supported in and can thrive (without the mask on). To find tools to deal with the rejection sensitivity and thrive in social network settings.  

I promise you! It's possible

I get it...

It sounds impossible. I've been where you are. Trying to run my business like all the coaches and business mentors told me to do. 

Feeling like a failure when I got so overwhelmed and overstimulated the only thing that helped was hide under the blanket and escape in a book for days on end or cry on my forest walks.

I couldn't continue the way I did.  I was burning out and starting to hate my business. An quite frankly myself, because I saw my unique traits as weaknesses and failures eating away at my self-confidence.

Until I started looking at how I wanted to run my business rather than how the world wanted me to run it.

One baby step at a time.
One boundary after the other... 

I  re-evaluated how and what work I took on. I stopped overscheduling and made time for activities that filled my cup throughout the day/week. I created processes and strategies that eliminate admin work. I became unapologetic about how I run my business. 

I'll let you in on a bit of a secret...

I didn't do it alone.

I had a mentor and coach to guide me through my blindspots, and help me grow to places I couldn't even imagine possible. 

We all get doubts, but having that support and encouragement
has made ALL the difference


Allow the magic  that's inside of you to shine

That's where I come in.

Hi, my name is Tine. Nice to meet you

I’m here to help you unlock your magic and create a life and business that works for you. Unapologetically.

A business that's designed to turn your unique traits and needs into your advantage.

Where you can create business workflows that keep you consistent without draining your energy.

Where you can be visible without the fear of judgment.
Where you are confident in charging people for your products or services.
Where your days are ruled by little pockets of calm and joy, rather than hustle and bustle.

Where your client interactions and work leaves you light and bright rather than tired and exhausted. 

I use all my tools in my toolbelt to help you on this journey. My years of experience in business and strategy, my intuitive gifts, somatic tools to regulate the nervous system and remove any underlying trauma and beliefs that are holding you back and maybe most importantly own experience as a Neurocreative, Highly Sensitive or Empathic Entrepreneur.

I promise you that creating a life and business you want is absolutely possible and it doesn't have to look like anything you've seen before. Because it's unique to you.

How it works

Over 6 months together we will get clarity on how YOU want to run your businesswhat YOU need to organise your systems to support you and your business and implement all the necessary changes to allow your magic to shine in this world. All while you have me as your guide and mentor walking along side you as you move forward with clarity and ease and helping you stay on task and accountable. 

One -to-One Coaching

We have 8 calls in our time together. 

I will teach, coach you & mentor you and use my intuitive gifts to get guidance for YOUR business. We will dive into identifying gaps & blindspots that lead to overwhelm and develop a business strategy that works for you and get the support you need to implement.


Each week we set out what we want to achieve until our next meeting.
I will check in with you weekly via Email to check in on your progress & help you achieve your goals.

Tools & Resources

You will receive all the tools, tips, tricks and resources you need to create an efficient and effective business and to streamline workflows to reduce overwhelm.

What You Get

Here's an overview of what you'll get over the 6 months with me. 

  • 1 x 90 minute Kick-off Coaching Session
  • 6 x 60 minute calls over the 6 months (1 week of call, 3 weeks breathing space week
  • 1 x 3 Hour VIP Strategy Sessions
  • Email Support between sessions
  • Digital copy of my book 'Clarity'
  • Copy of my Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs Ultimate toolkit
  • Tools, Resources, meditations

A payment plan is available, please contact me on

Book a free 20 minute Discovery call with me

Jump on a call with me to 

Thank You