Easy done for you package

One Page Website

Everybody says you need a website for your business. But websites can be lengthy and costly to create. Which is not something you want to do when you're starting out on your business and maybe aren't 100% clear on the direction your business wants to take.

But you still want something to be able to direct people to that shows who you are, what you do and gives the sense of professionalism to be taken seriously. 

Then what you need is a Simple, straightforward, functional and beautiful 1 Page website that you can extend to a full fledged website when you gain more clarity.

Could you do it on your own with platforms like Squarespace or Wix? Absolutely, but wouldn't you rather spend the time it takes you to learn how to do all of it working on your business and writing said guest blog/talking to prospective clients?

In my 17 years of developing websites I've mastered helping people get up and running quickly and effectively in minimal time while setting up a system that they can expand in the future to turn into a full website and even online shop. 

Creating something that actually works for you AND looks amazing. 

How it Works

  • We have a call to figure out what you envision for the page & your technical needs
  • We schedule a day in for me to do the work
  • Until then you start working on the content while I get the boring technical side ready
  • Then it's design day and I'll be working my magic fairy dust on your page 
  • We have a call in the afternoon spend some time in revisions to perfect the site and make changes
  • Your Website will be live and you're ready to put it out into the world


Basic One Page Website

This is a basic One page Service website/homage. You're clear on your content and can provide me with all the content (text & Images) and I do all the back end tech set up and design work for you. 

  • Set up of domain/hosting (If not in place already)*
  • 1 Page Website (Wordpress)
  • Website Planning Call (up to 60min) 
  • Content template of sections required provided based on our conversation
  • Revision call to (Usually between 60-90min)
  •  Built so you can extend into a full website including taking payments from clients & blog

*Price of domain & hosting not included. Payment system setup to accept payments from the site not included but can be added as an add-on

Advanced One Page Website

This package is for anyone needing a little more support in getting the content together. What to say, how to say it, where to find images etc We create the content together and I review/edit text with my marketing eye as well as set up back end tech and design work. 

  • Set up of domain/hosting (If not in place already)*
  • 1 Page Website (Wordpress)*
  • Website Planning Call (up to 60min)
  • Content Co-creation session (up to 90 min call) & me writing/editing your content
  • Revision call (Usually between 60-90min)
  • Built so you can extend into a full website including taking payments from clients & blog

*Price of domain & hosting not included. Payment system setup to accept payments from the site not included but can be added as an add-on

Want to see if we're a good fit? Book a free discovery call 


Tine Schnell

I've been building websites for about 17 years now ever since my yoga teacher friends realised I have the skills to help them translate their vision for the look and functionality without speaking in tech language. I've learned to bridge the gap between creating websites that work from a marketing point of view as well as functionality. 

Did I mention I can do it fast? (Schnell=fast in German) my record is creating a full website of 8 pages in a day.