Unlock your Inner Artist

Transform Your Emotions Through Painting

Starting Thursday 12th September 2024 - 
7-8.30pm Irish Time for 4 weeks

Have you ever felt so much that you couldn't find the words to express it? Or you couldn't actually identify what you're feeling? 

Words may not be enough or the right word simply doesn't exist to convey the depth of your feelings. 

Or you place judgments of feeling 'good' or 'bad' on them, because that's what you've been taught. I purposefully use inverted commas on this as in my opinion there is no good or bad feeling or emotion. They just are. They just need to be felt to move through 

So how can you express them and let them move through you?

There are many ways. Painting and other creative expressions, dance and movement, using music and sounds, gardening. Possibilities are endless. 

Yet we're not taught how to intentionally use any of them to process emotions (even ones buried deep down), shift energetic states or express for what we don't have words for. 

Are you ready?

This work isn't about creating pretty pictures.

It's about harnessing the power of creative expression to navigate, understand and process your emotions.
It's about exploring your inner world and convey your feelings in a way that transcends verbal communication. Access emotions stored deep in our subconscious out through this work and transform and release them.

You may even have to let go of your perfectionism and allow yourself to make shitty art. (There, I said it!)

You will absolutely have to let go of your expectations of what you want to create and instead allow whatever wants to come through come through. Sometimes you have to allow the painting of this process be an ugly mess It may just represent what's going on inside of you and can't be expressed because of your conditioning.

It's the process that's important not the end result. 

I can hear the eye roll and doubts come up from over here.

But Tine, I'm not creative nor an artist.


You absolutely are creative and an artist. 

We all are. Someone in your life probably told you that you aren't or you somehow formed that belief in early childhood.

Believe me... I know! I've been there. I hadn't touched a paint brush in over 20 years thanks to my art teacher making it clear that I'm shit at what she's asking of me...

That did not, however, make me a bad artist or not creative. I simply hadn't found what works for me. 

Then a few years ago when I was at the end of my toxic marriage my emotional state simply got too much and I found myself starting to play with paints again and take some classes with wonderful teachers who taught me what true creativity is. 

It started to become a way for me to process my emotions and express what is inside of me. I had to do quite a bit of work to get my perfectionism out of my system. It still raises its head occasionally, but then I remember why painting my emotions is so powerful and transformative. 


Allow the creativity to transform your inner world.

How it works

We will meet for 4 weekly sessions and journey together through the practices I've developed over the past few years
I will guide you through a guided meditation and some somatic practices to allow yourself to go into what's present, before we begin to play with paints and allow yourself to express whatever is here. Any emotion is welcome in this space. Come as you are

Emotional Release:

Let go of pent-up stress, anxiety, and unresolved feelings through the therapeutic act of painting.


Gain insight into your emotional landscape and uncover hidden aspects of your psyche.

Creative Empowerment

Boost your confidence and creativity, even if you’ve never picked up a paintbrush before.

What You Get

Here's an overview of what you'll get over the 4 weeks

  • 4 x 90 minute  Session
  • Tools, Resources, meditations
  • Community of likeminded people

A payment plan is available, please contact me on hello@tineschnell.com

That's where I come in.

Hi, my name is Tine. Nice to meet you

I’m here to help you unlock your magic and create a life and business that works for you. Unapologetically.

A life where you can be absolutely be who you are and shine that light of yours. 

Where you can be visible without the fear of judgment.
Where you are confident in charging people for your products or services.
Where your days are ruled by little pockets of calm and joy, rather than hustle and bustle.

Where your client interactions and work leaves you light and bright rather than tired and exhausted. 

I use all my tools in my toolbelt to help you on this journey. My years of experience in business and strategy, my intuitive gifts, somatic tools to regulate the nervous system and remove any underlying trauma and beliefs that are holding you back and maybe most importantly own experience as a Neurocreative, Highly Sensitive or Empathic Entrepreneur.

I promise you that creating a life and business you want is absolutely possible and it doesn't have to look like anything you've seen before. Because it's unique to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about this container. 

Do I need any prior painting experience?

No, our program is designed for all skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, you’ll find value in our workshops and tutorials

What materials will I need?

You will receive a full list of what you need when you sign up. But I try to keep the list to a minimum so you don't have to buy a lot of things and use what you have at home. 

How long is the program?

"Unlock your Inner Artist: Transform your Emotions Through Painting" is a 4-week program with weekly workshops and access to on-demand content.

Can I join from anywhere?

Yes, our program is fully online, so you can join from the comfort of your home, no matter where you are in the world.

What if I miss a class

The classes will be recorded and available for the duration of the course. 

Book a free 20 minute Discovery call with me

Jump on a call with me to figure out if this is for you.

Thank You